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Informazioni per medici e pazienti sul tema della commozione cerebrale dello sportivo

Informationen für Ärzte und Patienten über leichtem Schädel-Hirn-Trauma bei Sportler

Information's for physicians and patients on mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Sport

Informations à l'attention des médecins et patients sur la commotion cerebral

A: In Italiano
B: Auf Deutsch
C: In English
D: En français


Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice
A Tool Kit for Physicians

An estimated 75%-90% of the 1.4 million traumatic brain injury-related deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits that occur each year are concussions or mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI).

Many individuals who sustain an MTBI are not hospitalized or receive no medical care at all. An unknown proportion of those who are not hospitalized may experience long-term problems such as persistent headache, pain, fatigue, vision or hearing problems, memory problems, confusion, sleep disturbances, or mood changes. Symptoms of MTBI or concussion may appear mild, but can lead to significant, life-long impairment affecting an individual's ability to function physically, cognitively, and psychologically.

Physicians can play a key role in helping to prevent MTBI or concussion and improve a patient's health outcomes through early diagnosis, management, and appropriate referral.

An expert work group under the chairmenship of Mr. Gerry Gaia, PhD. and Micky Collins, PhD. have recently updated and revised the "Heads Up: Brain Injury in Your Practice" tool kit. In response to the 4th International Meeting on mTBI on Sports we will have the possibility to apply these informations and guidelines also for European use in German, French and Italian.

This tool kit is available free-of-charge and contains practical, easy-to-use clinical information and tools, including:

Information for Physicians:

- Booklet with information on diagnosis and management of MTBI;

- Patient assessment tool (Acute Concussion Evaluation or ACE);

- Care plan to help guide a patient's recovery;

Information for Patients:

- Fact sheets on preventing concussion;